Cala Lillies

April 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Recipes, School's Out

Here is a recipe I traditionally make for Easter gatherings. My cousin affectionatey nicknamed them “deformed twinkies,” and that is exactly the color and consistency of the cake portion. They are called Cala Lillies, however, because of the similar (easy to hold) shape to the flower. Every time I bring a platter of these light and airy gems, they disappear within minutes of landing on the serving table. Check these out for a different spring treat.

Cala Lillies


~ 3 eggs

~ ¾ Cup sugar

~ 1 Cup flour

~ 1 tsp. baking powder

~ 1 tsp. vanilla


1 carton of whipping cream

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Mix the eggs until they are frothy (this is one of the most important parts – mix on a high speed for a few minutes)! Add the sugar, flour, baking powder and vanilla. Beat the entire mixture on low for two minutes.

Drop by teaspoonful onto a greased baking sheet – only six on one sheet at a time; also, place only one sheet in the oven at a time. This will allow you just enough time to “pinch” the ends together when the little ‘lillies’ come out of the oven. (Any more than six, and the dough will cool too much to form the shape properly.)

Place in the oven for five minutes. Immediately take them off of tray with a spatula and pinch the ends together so that they look like cala lillies.

Place whipped cream inside of them.  By the way, sprinkle a sparkle of sugar and a dash of vanilla into your whipped cream right before it reaches its perfect consistency . . . great way to add extra taste to the cream.   May also garnish with one thin piece of pineapple in the middle of the whipped cream to emulate the yellow spadix in the middle of the flower.



  • Winsor Pilates

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