Workout for the Weary
January 14, 2011 by GradingGirl
Filed under Exercise
No matter your shape, size, age, agility, strength – you CAN benefit from even the slightest amount of exercise. I’m about to give my secret away here and reveal the exact exercises I’ve been performing for the past 19 years, exercises that helped me lose 33 pounds within three weeks after my daughter was born, that not only helped me maintain my desired weight every year since but made me more toned than before I was pregnant (honest!), and that energize me on even the weariest mornings. They will cost you a mere 5 – 10 minutes and they are easy enough for everyone to work up to. Why not do them while watching the morning news? Or turn on some soothing morning tunes. If you’re a night owl, perhaps you can squeeze them in while catching some late night T.V.? . . .
Are you ready?! This is the exact amount, exact order I execute. Nothing fancy, not a lengthy routine at all ➜
**You can do these simply with your body weight or you can use a set of 10 or 12 lb free weights. I alternate between body weight and free weights, and purchased my dumbbells at Target for about $12 – 15 per set.

This is as far as you need to go - that's it!
1. 100 narrow stance squats:
At first, break them into smaller sets, completing 10 – 15 at a time and resting before completing the next sets. Work your way up to four sets of 25.
- Feet pointing forward, shoulder width apart
- Hands on hips OR arms at side with or without weights
- Be sure your knees do not extend past your toes as you squat
- No need to bend down too far
- More challenge: perform bicep curls or overhead presses at the same time
2. 100 wide-stance squats
At first, break them into smaller sets, completing 10 – 15 at a time and resting before completing the next sets. Work your way up to four sets of 25.
- Feet pointing outward, past your shoulders
- Hands on hips OR arms at side with or without weights
- Be sure your knees do not extend past your toes as you squat
- You will naturally bend farther than with the narrow stance squats. As you get the hang of it, attempt to execute deeper squats.
- More challenge: perform bicep curls or overhead presses at the same time
3. 100 calf raises
I usually just do 100 in a row. Again, you can break these up into sets; you’ll earn the same benefits.
- Perform these holding weights OR simply with body weight
4. 100 abdominal crunches
- see Diet, Exercise, or Act of God for easy details on how to do this!
- Beginners, do the first set only. Incorporate 2nd – 4th set as you progress.
After this routine, you should feel like you got a pretty good run for your time. These fare me well whenever I can’t go to the gym for whatever reason. The best part is that they can be done anywhere, anytime. Try them and let me know what you think.