Eat Clean GUARANTEED Daily Diet

March 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Nutrition Tips

The safe, effective, GUARANTEED way to lose fat!!

I followed this diet two years ago and lost 6% body fat and 10 pounds gradually within 9 weeks.  A few friends have been asking me about this for some time.   Adjust the grams and calories according to your weight. As long as your total calories amounts to 30 – 35% protein, 40% carbohydrate and 25 – 30% fat, you’ll be losing those lbs while gaining lean muscle.

MY INTAKE:  110 grams Protein = 440 calories; 125 grams Carbs = 500 calories; 29 grams Fat = 260 calories – – – – 1200 calories total per day

Once you calculate your daily intake, here’s the servings per food groups you should include:

Food Group  &  Number of Servings

Bread  – 3
Fruit –  3
Nonfat Milk – 3
Vegetable – 4
Protein Sources
Very Lean – 7
Lean – 5
Medium Fat – 1
Fat – 4







Now here’s an example of how I use this plan:

Breakfast – Water

1 bread = 1/2 cup oatmeal

1 milk = 1 cup fat free milk (used to make my oatmeal)
1 fruit = 2 tb blueberries
1 medium-fat protein = 1 whole egg, hard boiled
1 very lean protein – 2 egg whites
1 fat = 1 tb flaxseed on oatmeal

Snack – Water
1 vegetable = 1 cup mini carrots
1 fat = 6 almonds

Lunch – Water
1 bread = turkey breast wrap
2 vegetable = fill wrap with veggie choices
4 very lean protein = 3 oz turkey
1 fat = 1 oz cheese
free – dijon mustard

Preworkout Snack -Water
Milk = 1 cup plain greek yogurt
1 Fruit = 3/4 cup blueberries


Postworkout Smoothie
1 fruit = 1 1/4 cup whole strawberries
1 milk = 1 c fat-free milk
2 very lean protein = 14 g whey protein

Dinner – Green Tea
1 bread = 1/2 baked sweet potato
1 vegetable = 1/2 c asparagus
5 lean protein = 5 oz. wild salmon
1 fat = 1 tsp olive oil for salmon

  • Winsor Pilates

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