Personal Training with Holistic Lifestyle Coach Nicole Moneer
August 31, 2017 by GradingGirl
Filed under School's Out

An unedited shot from the photo shoot with Don Bersano, after 8 weeks of training with Nicole.
Turning 51 this past year, I decided it was time to finally fully commit more seriously to my own health. I read many books, magazines and blogs about fitness, exercise and nutrition on my own, but craved more . . . especially with that big fat number looming over my head. I hired Nicole with specific goals in mind and, BAM, she knew, as I suspected, exactly what to do to help me achieve them. Specifically, I wanted to not only tone my buttocks and thighs, getting rid of as much signs of cellulite as I could (you know, the tell-tale signs of aging) but, more importantly, I wanted to ensure I was eating as healthfully as possible. She helped me improve in those areas and more – with amazingly noticeable physical results showing up in as little as two weeks!! That’s how exact and spot-on she is with her advice both in the kitchen and the gym – advice that are turning into life-changing habits for me.

One of the many finished photos from my fitness shoot with Bersano
When you hire Nicole as your personal trainer and holistic lifestyle coach, you’re not just getting some new exercises to try. You’re getting a knowledgeable coach who truly cares. Through her detailed guidance over a 10-week period, I grew confident to conquer an item on my bucket list I’ve been wanting to do for some time but have been anxious over – my first fitness photo shoot with the well-respected Don Bersano!! And man, was it an uplifting experience with many wonderful shots to showcase my hard work. With Nicole’s help, I cleaned up everything from my water intake, my supplements, and my cooking and grocery shopping. Nicole even provides a comprehensive, delicious collection of recipes that she herself uses!! She offers credible articles whenever I have specific nutritional questions, and she texts just to check up or say Hey. And that’s all before we even step foot in the gym. She made me excited about coming to the gym again after quite a few years of doing the same thing!! I’ve now got a slew of targeted, varied workouts that truly give results, and I’m using equipment I was afraid to touch before. Additionally, as a super organized techie, I completely appreciated the instant share via Google Docs of those circuits for my future review.

Nicole and I – she’s so much fun to work with!!
Hiring Nicole is something that will continue to impact me. My only regret is not hiring her sooner because she’s such a wonderful soul to know!! Regardless of fitness level, age, gender, etc, Nicole provides healthful, real results. Through her all-around, positive mindset, she’s one of those people who leaves you feeling better about yourself!